Norwood is a neighborhood of Birmingham in the northeast corner of the Northside community. Norwood was originally developed by the Birmingham Realty Company around 1910. The neighborhood was planned as a streetcar suburb centered on Norwood Boulevard, along the same lines as the development around Highland Avenue in Southside. The central 1.5-mile boulevard's 200-foot right of way included space for the Norwood Streetcar Line as well as broad landscaped park-like medians.
Indicator Details
Indicators | Primary Domain | Indicator Value | Rank | Tier | Indicator Weight |
Abandoned Structures | Blight | 18.0% | 83 | Bottom | 5.00 |
Access to Mainstream Financial Services | Economic Health | 33.2% | 51 | Middle | 1.00 |
Access to Parks and Open Space | Natural Areas | 100.0% | 1 | Top | 1.00 |
Adult Educational Attainment | Educational Opportunities | 63.4% | 97 | Bottom | 3.00 |
Age of Housing | Housing | 90.5% | 78 | Bottom | 1.00 |
Blood Lead Levels in Children | Housing | -% | - | Data N/A | 1.00 |
Business Retention | Economic Health | -6.0% | 39 | Middle | 1.00 |
Chronic School Absence | Health Systems and Public Safety | 12.7% | 20 | Top | 1.00 |
Commute Mode Share | Transportation | 27.6% | 17 | Top | 4.00 |
Employment Rate | Employment Opportunities | 73.8% | 88 | Bottom | 1.00 |
Excessive Housing Cost Burden | Housing | 65.2% | 99 | Bottom | 1.00 |
Food Desert | Neighborhood Characteristics | 100.0% | 56 | Middle | 2.00 |
High School Graduation Rate | Educational Opportunities | 75.9% | 57 | Middle | 3.00 |
Household Transportation Costs | Transportation | 22.9% | 26 | Top | 4.00 |
Infant Mortality Rate | Health Systems and Public Safety | 17.1 | 76 | Bottom | 1.00 |
Land Use Mix | Neighborhood Characteristics | 0.7 | 9 | Top | 1.00 |
Local Business Vitality | Economic Health | 41.0% | 86 | Bottom | 1.00 |
Long-Term Unemployment | Employment Opportunities | 2.1% | 23 | Top | 1.00 |
Low Birth Weight | Health Systems and Public Safety | -% | - | Data N/A | 1.00 |
Motor Vehicle Collisions | Health Systems and Public Safety | 17.3 | 83 | Bottom | 4.00 |
Offsite Alcohol Outlets | Neighborhood Characteristics | 0.9 | 61 | Middle | 1.00 |
Payday Loans | Economic Health | 0.4 | 42 | Middle | 1.00 |
Pedestrian & Bicycle Injuries by Motor Vehicles | Health Systems and Public Safety | 0.3 | 67 | Bottom | 4.00 |
Pedestrian Connectivity | Transportation | 164 | 15 | Top | 4.00 |
Preschool Enrollment | Educational Opportunities | 8.4% | 72 | Bottom | 3.00 |
Preventable Hospitalizations | Health Systems and Public Safety | - | - | Data N/A | 1.00 |
Proximity to Brownfield Sites | Environmental Hazards | 2.1% | 79 | Bottom | 1.00 |
Proximity to Superfund Sites | Environmental Hazards | 93.7% | 93 | Bottom | 1.00 |
Public Assisted Households | Employment Opportunities | 62.3% | 77 | Bottom | 1.00 |
Public Health Nuisances | Health Systems and Public Safety | 91.6 | 71 | Bottom | 4.00 |
Reading Proficiency | Educational Opportunities | 10.0% | 68 | Bottom | 3.00 |
Residential Mobility | Social Cohesion | 62.0% | 96 | Bottom | 1.00 |
Residential Proximity to Traffic | Environmental Hazards | 10.9% | 86 | Bottom | 1.00 |
School Proximity to Traffic | Environmental Hazards | 0.0% | 1 | Top | 1.00 |
School Readiness Scores | Educational Opportunities | -% | - | Data N/A | 1.00 |
Tax Delinquent Properties | Blight | 18.3% | 46 | Middle | 5.00 |
Toxic Releases from Facilities | Environmental Hazards | 100.0% | 75 | Bottom | 1.00 |
Transit Accessibility | Transportation | 7.2 | 25 | Top | 4.00 |
Travel Time to Work | Employment Opportunities | 24.3 | 45 | Middle | 1.00 |
Tree Cover | Natural Areas | 2.1% | 58 | Middle | 1.00 |
Vacancy Rates | Housing | 34.8% | 94 | Bottom | 1.00 |
Violent Crime | Health Systems and Public Safety | 102.1 | 59 | Middle | 4.00 |
Visual Property Nuisances | Blight | 20.1% | 68 | Bottom | 5.00 |
Voter Participation | Social Cohesion | 4.3% | 80 | Bottom | 1.00 |
Walkability | Neighborhood Characteristics | 79.8 | 12 | Top | 4.00 |
Demographic and Contextual Indicators
Neighborhood | City Wide | |
Concentrated Poverty | 54.2% | 30.9% |
Income Inequality | 0.5 | 0.49 |
Life Expectancy | 68.9 | 78.8 |
Park Quality | 94.8 | |
Population | 2,292 | 210,616 |
Racial and Ethnic Diversity | 0.2 | 0.44 |